Yoga nidra meditation

The full Ashtanga system practiced with devotion leads to freedom within one’s heart. No matter what was before, there is always a chance to change. Yoga nidra meditation you ready to work with yourself?

Где-то три с половиной года назад когда в моей жизни появилась чёрная полоса не было ни сил ни стимула к жизни, я постоянно задавалась вопросами зачем я живу зачем я пришла в этот мир. Бог меня услышал и направил меня! Я начала посяшать Йога занятия но первое время не очень пошло думала это не для меня. В один прекрасный день я зашла на класс Аштанга виньясы йоги с Ричом! I did not realise until I finished their course, how high their teacher training standard was.

You will learn more than the requirement and all what you learn will be asset for your future in many aspects. Not only they are very knowledgeable but they try to teach all what they can with heart. They will not miss out any small details and so you will learn all properly. Sofia and Rich are extremely good professionals, and their dedication, skills, techniques, personalities and knowledge are complementary and super high level. TAYSP is a great place for practice.